They took lots of pictures and made lots of notes and asked our names and home towns, but I didn't really expect that anything would ever come of it. Today, "our" article is on the front page of the Entertainment and Leisure section, complete with photos.
Of course, between the multiple layers of clothes and the angle, you can't tell who anyone is here. I know which one is me, the person in front with the unzipped blue coat over the grey hooded sweatshirt. The person to my left, on the far right of the picture, is Nina.

The article was fairly well done, and I have only a few minor quibbles. One caption under a photo of Bill Stanley, the trip leader, said he was listing all the birds "banded" that day. (The quotes were used in the caption.) In fact, we had not banded any birds. I think that came about because Bill was making his notes using banding codes, as many birders do, and used that phrase when explaining his shorthand. The reporter must have thought that "banding" was a term for counting or viewing.
In addition, the article had to include the obligatory reference to the birder stereotype as a goofy old guy in a hat. The unfortunate title of this otherwise nice write-up was:
You can read the entire article here.
This is COOL. You and Nina. Awesome.
Oh, come on. Why were all of you looking at the sky when the GL. Gull was on the beach? Really, people.
Seriously, glad you two (and the CBC) got some press!
Wow - you're famous! Congrats.
Despite the caption, we were not actually at Harsha Lake in this shot, but at the "two ponds" parking area. I'm pretty sure that in this photo we were looking at about 50 Cedar Waxwings all lit up by the rising sun and shining like gold. Or maybe the flock of Purple Finches.
Wow, Kathi,
Glad you spotted this! (I had assumed it probably appeared last week, if at all!)
That title could use a rewrite--an apparent lack of creativity, there. But, glad to make the front page, nevertheless, when many other seasonal "sports" dominate most spaces.
Should we start a scrapbook? Bloggers caught out and about?
If I would of got off work earlier, I could of been in the picture - I am the brown blur looking through a scope behind Bill writing down his birds.
I can live with "nerd". Most people I talk to tell me that I am mentally/psychologically disturbed for watching birds.
How great! Good publicity for the bird club, and who knows? It just might encourage more bird watchers. And anyway, being called a bird nerd isn't the worst thing.
Thanks for sharing the article.
Embrace your inner nerd!!
(With a word verification like "nodshnel" you don't really have much choice.)
Very cool, Kathi! You're a celebrity now! I can haz autygraff?
As for the "Bird Nerds" -- maybe not the worst label, but it is rather insensitive to highlight it as the title. Especially when the rest of the article might actually encourage potential new birders. Such a title is almost designed to repell some who might otherwise try picking up a new hobby.
Btw, I got my "6 Random Facts" post up HERE. More than you ever wanted to know about me! ;-)
Just be thankful they didn't use the headline, "This Walk Was For The Birds."
Because pretty much every smalltown newspaper article that's ever featured me has used that moldy old phrase. The head might as well read, "This Reporter Knows Jack About Birds; Cares Less."
Not to diminish my excitement at seeing you and Nina featured, but I do get weary of the "birder as geek" stereotype, which some birders themselves are guilty of perpetuating. Show me something, anything, cooler than a spring male Blackburnian warbler. How does liking to find those make a person a geek?
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