The popcorn worked a treat, allowing us many good photo-ops of gulls, mostly Ring-billed, in action.

As promised, a sunset ended our cruise as we returned to the dock.
Nature, pottery, pets, and me
The Ohio Young Birders Club presents:
Activities for Young Birders!
The Binocular Laboratory—kids will make a pair of binoculars and learn how to use them
The Feeding Station—kids will build a bird feeder out of a variety of common recycled items
Fun with the Hooos!—kids will make an owl puppet or mask
Middle School:
Midwest Birding Symposium Junior Duck Stamp Contest—We’ll help participants paint a portrait of their favorite duck, goose, or swan! Lily Sprang, winner of this year’s National Junior Duck Stamp Contest, will be leading the activity along with her brother Eli, an Ohio Junior Duck Stamp winner and national runner-up!
We’ll also give all our artists materials introducing them (and their parents and teachers) to the Junior Duck Stamp Contest. When the portraits are finished, artists can choose to take their art home with them or enter it into the contest. We will award prizes for the top three contest entries.
For Teens:
Bird Walk—The
For details, contact BSBO at 419-898-4070.