This post won't have many words. And, soon, you will see why not. The special treat for OOS members who attended The Wilds winter raptor event? A behind the scenes tour of the white rhinoceros building, including the new baby, 3 month old Anan, born on Halloween. And, we even got to touch them!
A mother rhino and her year-old offspring.
Coming in for a closer look.
Mother is alert for possible dangers, like veterinarians.
"That's close enough, lady. Back off."
"Yes, Ma'am!" (She actually came up to me and bumped my arm with the base of that horn. I backed up.)
"Aw, shucks, Maw - I wanted to play with her!"
Who knew a rhino could sit like a dog?
Or, that they had such cool feet?
Or ears?
I thought watching a rhino take a mud bath was the best.

Until I saw one playing chasing games with her baby.

Nothing is cuter than a baby, especially a baby rhino.
Sweet-faced Anan nuzzles a visitor's leg, like a puppy.