First, our bone-dry pots are treated to a coating of terra sig, a thin slip of watery clay that helps the pots take the glazes, then they are bisque-fired. The next step is to apply one or more of several glazes that Terry has cooked up for us. Most of them have made-up names, like Rumply-Crumply (which we also called Humpty-Dumpty and Rumplestiltskin when we got the giggles), Slurple (purple) and Some Kind of Blue. Celedon was the only color going by its right name, I think.
The raku kiln platform was small - we could only get four pieces in for each firing. With the eight of us in production mode, it looked as though we would be in for a marathon session in the studio.
After the kiln was loaded, the shroud was lowered and two huge propane burners were lit on either side of the base. You can see the opening below the platform in this photo.
Terry kept an eagle-eye on the state of the kiln through openings in the top
(Michelle's the one who is big on safety.)
At just the right moment, Terry pulls the chain to raise the shroud and reveal the white-hot pots glowing inside.
And the potters step up, one by one, to pull their treasures from the furnace with long metal tongs and transfer them to the piles of sawdust.
Each pot required two people - one to pull it from the kiln and deposit it on the pile of sawdust, another to quickly cover it with the metal pot, then "burp" the pot to let in a brief gust of oxygen. This caused the sawdust pile to flare up, fuming the pot.
Here we are in action:
And here is one of the pots, still too warm to touch, after firing. This is Carol's vase from the kiln photo above.
My first Raku-fired pot. Glazed in Celedon and Slurple-purple (with Lumpy-Bumpy inside), the black lines are caused by the smoke from the sawdust packed around it.
What you are doing there is incredible!
Very, VERY cool!
LOVE this! I like the contrast not only of colors but matte vs. glossy. Does the celadon have a metallic tone to it, or is that just a trick of the light? (looking at the mouth of the vase.)
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