During my vacation, I did visit some spots with a population that consisted of more than dead hermits and imaginary devils, but none of these towns were what you might call big.
As John Mellencamp sings, "I was born in a small town, had myself a ball in a small town. Gonna die in a small town. That's probably where they'll bury me."
I'm a small town girl. The big city scares me - the traffic, the crime rate, the noise, the one-way streets. And, I hate the overwhelming crowds, and the lack of fresh air and nature.Here are some quick glances at Small Town, Ohio, south-east style.
Where else would a birder have lunch in Logan but the Spotted Owl Cafe?
Isn't this Presbyterian Church gorgeous?

The town square.
Fountains in the middle of town and quaint storefronts all around = Small Town.
Must stop and read the historical markers.
The coal strike of 1884-85 was so big
it had to be continued on the other side.
Gazebos and bandstands.
Small towns gotta have 'em. (It's the law.)
I am mad for Victorian architecture, and you can find it everywhere in Marietta. Is this Queen Anne or Second Empire? I never can remember, but I WANT this house!
And now, we pause for a political message:
Hey! I've got an idea - Let's visit Andy's brother and sister-in-law!
I'm thinking Second Empire. Not enough gee-gaws and gingerbread for QA.
Thanks KatDoc, I am enjoying your vacation posts. So many cool places, a trip to SE Ohio should be on my list for the future. I agree with you about big cities, as the song says "I'll take the dirt road"...and the countryside.
Changed my mind. Queen Anne - what *I* think of as QA is apparently referred to as "Eastlake" QA.
Beautiful pictures! I'm a small towner...grew up in town of 1500 people and have returned to my small town, after being in the urban areas north and south of Seattle for a number of years. Are the leaves on the historical sign from the buckeye tree?
Good idea to visit Andy's brother and sister-in-law. I've heard that they want a pond at Indigo Hill, about 50 of us could show-up with shovels and call it the "Big Dig". Wouldn't they be surprised !
Yes, those are buckeyes (in their husks) and buckeye leaves on the Ohio Historical Society's marker.
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