Is it, as Wikipedia says, a reference to the mountain lions that once roamed Mount Nittany, a local landmark near the school?
I looked for photos of a Nittany Lion to illustrate this question, but all I could find was the image below:

Think this lion is crying over the 37-17 THRASHING they received from The Ohio State University Buckeyes last night?
9-0, goin' ALL the way!
9-0, goin' ALL the way!
Joey looks as much a lion as that picutre you displayed. I think you are enjoying that 9&0 a little too much. tee heee
Now, Katdoc--be gracious in victory. Remember, pride goes before a fall.
Not that I am wishing anything bad on OSU--after all, they are now representing the Big 10 and for that reason, I hope they go all the way.
Oh, and on the Nittany lion thing, at least it's an animal you could treat. A buckeye--oh, please.
I'll be cheering OSU on to the national championship with you. My two teams (Washington State and University of Washington) are so far down in the pack of teams that they'll have to be content with the consolation prize Apple Cup when they play each other. Maybe next year one of them will grab the football and run with it?
I'm guessing you did your veterinary study at OSU. Were you there as an undergrad, too?
Our younger daughter marched all 4 years in TBDBITL--what an eye-opening experience to sit in that stadium.
Imagine us--small town, rural high school band geek parents swallowed by the crowds, watching her come down the ramp--with binoculars!
Lisa at GB: I almost used one of Joey's baby pictures until I found that cute lion cub. I did find a great photo of the lion statue at Penn State, but it had some kind of copyright on it, so I couldn't "steal" it.
Donna: Notice I only boast about wins over teams that I consider a threat. I would never brag about defeating a Kent State or Akron, for example. I thought Penn State fought a heck of a battle, and stayed in it right to the end. Was that "white-out" student section as loud in person as on TV? I thought OSU had good fans - PSU's are AWESOME!
Nina: No, OSU was way too big for this little country mouse. When I saw that the freshmen had to take a city bus between classes (and me having never been on one) I bowed out and went to a small college for my undergrad. Besides, I only played woodwinds in the high school band (clarinet, oboe, tenor sax) and they would never have let me in the brass band at OSU.
ha ha ha!!! (from a PSU hate-ah like yourself, only I LIVE here in Central PA. I laughed my head off when I saw they were losing--that was the Saturday night blogfest in a bar in Cape May!)
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