More reminders of days gone by.
While at Lake Hope, we stayed here, in Cabin #41, the Pine cabin. Each of the cabins had a number, and also a tree name. This photo is taken from the road in front, where sometimes as many as 3 or even 4 cars passed by each night. Whew! The traffic was murder!
You can't see our little "patio," basically a bit of dirt with a picnic table and two heavy-duty lawn chairs, but it was here, in front of the cabin, that I was finally justified in my sister's eyes for my bird nerdiness. While making our plans, she asked, plaintively, "You aren't going to drag me out for night birding, are you?" I chuckled, because I had been thinking that I would need to do some owling on this trip.
After dinner our first night, I sat out on the "patio" with my owl tape. It only took three or four repetitions before I had called in three Eastern Screech Owls. One was in the tree just in front of us, another near the cabin behind us, and a third a little further away. They were all "talking" to each other, so I didn't even need to use the tape any more.
Lisa isn't easily impressed, but I think I got her that night. Two nights later, I saw two screech owls (or the same one, twice) fly in and land in a nearby tree in response to my tape. Pretty cool, I thought!
The bedrooms were nice.
I want to go to Hocking Hills. But I'm afraid of bears.
See any?
Oh. And good owl calling. Owls are so nosy.
I love historical markers, and rarely pass up an opportunity to take a picture of one. By clicking on the picture, I was able to make it large enough to read. The cabin looks like a very inviting retreat.
Did you know there is a Website for Ohio historical markers? Go to and you can browse all the markers, county by county.
Thanks for the link to Ohio historical markers. It's in my favorites list!
[Now, we need a name for the history buffs out there. Hmmm ... can't think of a primate that starts with an "H"]
Hanuman. He's the Hindu monkey god.
On the other hand, "Science Chimp" isn't alliterative, so what about "History Lemur"?
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