Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sweet Surprise

I had a notice in my mailbox on Monday that I had a parcel waiting for pick-up. Tuesday, I left at 7am and didn't arrive back home until 7pm, which meant no trip to the post office. So, I stopped in Wednesday morning on my way to work.

Looky, looky at what I found waiting there for me:

A surprise gift from a friend, who obviously knows of my obsession with The OSU Buckeyes. Isn't it great? I took off the jacket I was wearing and put this one on immediately. Although I got grief for wearing OSU gear after the debacle Monday night, I wore it all day. (Well, not while inside, but you know what I mean.) Too bad I didn't have it on Monday, maybe it would have been lucky. We need some kind of luck to survive the National Championship jinx.

A great big "Thank you!" to you, my special friend. Your thoughtfulness touched me.

Word of the Day:

Thaumaturgy: the performance of miracles, magic. From the Greek thauma, miracle and ergon, work

"I really believe it will require an act of thaumaturgy for OSU to win national football championship."


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I bet it felt like a thaumaturgy that a fancy OSU jacket appeared in your life.

Tee hee... I like your word of the day.

Kathy said...

What a beautiful jacket! Maybe next year will be OSU's year to win the championship. I was cheering for them. The game started out on the right foot. If not for a few key plays, a fumble, an interception and a penalty on a punt, the game could have easily gone OSU's way. At least that is my unexpert opinion. Now I'm going into cheering mode for my beloved Seahawks to beat Green Bay on Saturday on the frozen tundra.

Sara said...

Oh my, what a splendid gift ! Wearing your jacket during football season will be so much fun and bring good luck to your team. Sorry about the loss to LSU, next year will be the charm.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Hi Katdoc, I read over at Birdchick that you are going to the Orlando area to bird and convene. I can tell you that if you order the FL ABA Bird Finding Guide, Item #175, for $25.95 if you aren't a memeber. It will tell you all kinds of places to bird in that area. THese, ABA Birding guides are made for any good birding areas in the country and other countries as well. They give you very clear directions as ot where and how to go for specific birds. They tell you what might be encountered at certain times of the year too. If you get to bird on your own they are most helpful.

These guides used to be done mostly by a fellow named Lane. I can't tell you how many Lifers I have found using these guides. Well worth the money to purchase one for any region you travel to to bird.

You can also check the local Audubon Society hot line.

You can subscribe to FL Birds for just the period before you go to see what people are seeing where. THen again the guide could tell you how to get there.

You can order online at You don't have to be a member to purchase one.

Good luck and have fun.

Sara said...

Also, at any time, you can read the various birding list serves, like FL Birding, without subscribing. Go to then scroll down to the desired state and click. A list with date and post title will be seen, click on the title for the full post (or just scroll all the way through the list, until you reach the posts).