Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Guess the Nest

photo by my sister, Lisa

Who can ID this nest, found in a porch light in suburban Columbus, Ohio? I think I know, but am interested in your thoughts.


donaldthebirder said...

My guess is House Finch. They typically incorporate hair or fuzz into their nests. Blue, oval eggs and placement/habitat also say House Finch.

Lisa said...

She's so kind. Only a country girl would describe my neighborhood as "suburban."

Susan Gets Native said...


Julie Zickefoose said...

I'm guessing HOFI too. The hair is a tipoff, and their nests are so very cushy, until the babies start pooping all around the rim.
Oh, the house light is a tipoff too...

How cool is that that you pulled out Enjoying Bluebirds More, not realizing who done wrote it?

Kathi said...

Yeah, House Finch was my guess, too. Lisa has been watching for a parent bird, and reports seeing "something brown, with a finchy-type bill." A "finchy bill" --- Way to go, sis! You are close to losing your "non-birding" status.
