What memories of the New River trip will I cherish the most? Birds, wildflowers, moths, efts, snails, rain, or even bear poop? Nope. It will be the memories of the people I traveled with, lived with, learned with, birded with, laughed with, cried with, fought with, and celebrated with during that whole glorious, crazy, wonderful week. People like these:
Wren (Jane)
Kathy B.
Beth and Lynne
Kathleen (with Helen, pointing out a bird)
Zick and TR
And others I don't have individual photos of. (Sorry)

The Flock's first night at the Farmhouse -
eating lasagne
and investigating our back yard.
Don't we look like a fun bunch?
Kathi- You got such wonderful people pictures!
Hands down- you all were the BEST part of the trip and I miss you.
word verification: wimpa
We DO look like a fun bunch!
Your candid shots are the best!
And, your lasagna was wonderful! (Not only does she bird, write, and photograph well--she cooks, too!)
May I borrow the dreamy-eyed photo of me looking at little bird?
The bestest bunch o' birders evah!
Jeez, Kathi. I thought you LIKED me.
It was 7 am....was I drunk?????
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of rapt Nina!
You certainly do, Kathi! And from all that I've read, it sounds like you guys had a blast! Even if Susan WAS drunk at 7 o'clock in the morning...
Lynne: Wimpa, wimpa, wimpa.
Susan: I didn't get many photos of you, and in most of them, you had a beer in your hand. that one was from the first morning, and I think you were saying, "I got out of bed for this?"
Nina: I will send you that photo - I thought it really caught you at your dreamy best.
Yes, we do and your photo is going up on my blog tomorrow!
I miss everyone already!
I don't know any of these people and yet I have read their blogs from time to time and know 'of' them. The pics-
Mary's eyes stand out in any pic. At least they do to me now ;)
Susan has to be one of the most devilishly fun looking people I've ever seen.
Laura has the sweetest smile.
I love the pic of Julie.
And Nina is simply beautiful. (She also strongly reminds me of the midwife who delivered my first son but her name is Nona!)
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