While walking down the hill on the Sugar Creek trail, I kept my back to the trees and my ears open for bird song and the excited calls of birders: "Yellow-throated Vireo nest! Worm-eating Warbler!" My eyes were on the opposite bank, scouting for wildflowers I had seen on my previous trek. I was not disappointed.

I don't remember ever seeing this trillium before. Depending on what source you read, it is alternately called "Red Trillium," "Purple Trillium," or Wakerobin, which I prefer.

We also saw a creamy-yellow flowered trillium, but I didn't get a decent photo of it. I found a "Yellow Trillium," Trillium luteum, in one of my field guides, but I don't think that was what we found. The photos I found on line showed the flower on a short stalk, with mottled leaves, similar to Toadshade. What we saw was taller, with an erect flower. Someone on the trip said "Nodding Trillium," but I'm thinking maybe they meant Drooping Trillium. Any ideas?
One of my old friends, Jack-in-the-pulpit.

On our Granberrry Glades trip, we got to see some unique bog plants.
Definitely worth a close-up, Pitcher Plants are carnivorous. Attracted to the necter-like bait, insects are trapped when they slip below the upper lip. This part of the flower is covered in fine hair-like structures which point down, preventing insects from crawling back out. The hapless victim is then slowly digested in the liquid at the bottom of the pitcher.
These leaves were all over the bog.
I thought perhaps we were too late to get the flower, but we lucked out.
This is Skunk Cabbage. This plant blooms in late winter, and it can generate enough heat to melt the snow above the emerging flower. Skunk cabbage blooms stink like rotting meat, in order to attract the ground beetles it needs to pollinate its odd flower.
I only got one wildflower on the Muddlety trip. I was too busy looking at birds, and photographing efts, dew-coated cobwebs, and my fellow birders to do much botanizing.
During our High Country trip, we were a bit too early to catch Painted Trillium in bloom, but I took plenty of photos of it in bud.
A new friend that day, Halberd-leaved Violet.
1 comment:
I really didn't get much for wildflowere pictures. In fact, even though I took gobs of pix, I didn't take as many as I thought I would.
Kathi- would you send me a copy of your header photo? I love it.
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